Leadership Bios

Maya Chopra

Maya Chopra, MD, FRACP

BGR Team Lead, Genomic Medicine

Director, Translational Genomic Medicine Program, Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center

Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Dr. Chopra is a clinical geneticist and pediatrician. She has held clinical appointments in Australia, China and France, focussing on the assessment and diagnosis of children with rare genetic disorders. Her research is focussed on the delineation of rare genetic syndromes in children, particularly those with a neurodevelopmental presentation. In her role as Director of Translational Genomic Medicine at the RSZ-TNC, Dr. Chopra provides genomic expertise for translational research and clinical projects at Boston Children’s Hospital and other institutions via multi-site collaborations. Her interests include: rare pediatric monogenic disorders, clinical and research applications of NGS, gene discovery and delineation of new syndromes, translational neuroscience.